
We Want You

at The House of Findings!

We are always on the lookout for experienced, art-driven people to join our HOUSE team, employees, interns, and freelancers. We seek photographers, stylists, graphic designers, fashion designers, tailors, seamstresses, visual merchandisers, animators, crafters, artisans, artists, illustrators and salespeople who are service-minded and passionate about vintage fashion, hand-made goods, and upcycling. If you think you might feel at home working with our family, we would love to hear from you! 

The House of Findings is also always looking for interesting items for consignment. If you would like more information on how to consign your items, please contact us. 

We want you, let’s grow together!

Call, email, or text us:

The House of Findings (Miami)

5030 NE 2nd Avenue, Unit 404

Miami, FL 33137

Store Telephone: 786-558-4038

The House of Findings (Cape Cod)

400 Main Street

Chatham, MA 02633

Store Telephone: 508-348-5593


Mayra’s Cell:  617-999-7148